Where Does Apple’s Money Come From
Posted by: Luke Jones in Apple news, tags: Money, Other Apple News

When it comes to making money, Apple is at the top of the game. The very top in fact, with the company earnings record amounts of profits through the last quarter off increased sales and higher margins. With $18 billion in profit, Apple made the best ever quarter in the history of business, beating out Russian oil company Gazprom. With that huge amount of cash, it is interesting to know where the company gets the money from.
Well, a new infographic breaks down exactly what Apple makes, how the company makes profit, and where the money comes from.
The infographic reveals that the average sale price of sits at $687 during the fourth quarter of 2014, which is a $50 hike over the same period through 2013. The reason for that price increase is the iPhone 6 Plus, a handset that is more expensive than the previous iPhone flagships. A brief explanation why Apple makes more than Android rivals would be that Android’s average selling price is $254.
Apple spends on average $220 to build and sell an iPhone, which means Cupertino makes a massive 200% in profit from each device. So, with the company selling record numbers it is easy to see where that amazing profit came from, not to mention over $74 million in total revenue. According to various sources and the company’s own books, Apple now has $178 billion in clear cash, with the iPhone the driving force behind the success with 68% of the company’s revenue.