IDC is among of the most reputable market researchers on the planet and the company has been looking at the Canadian market and predicting wearable trends in the country through 2015. Sure, Canada is not a tech and consumer electronics hotspot, but the data for the country seems come out equal to a similar worldwide trend that is widely predicted in the smartwatch market during the coming 12 months. IDC reports that wearable sales will rise significantly on the heels of the Apple Watch, something that is thought will also happen on a worldwide level.

The market researcher says that wearable sales in Canada will surge by 70% next year, with the new arrival of the Apple Watch pushing that increase. IDC says 1.2 million wearable devices could ship during the year, with a percentage of those units coming from Cupertino’s first ever smartwatch. It is worth remembering that the Apple Watch will have to become available first, with a February launch date (Valentine’s Day in fact) the most like launch date.

3% of people in the country own a smartwatch according to data from Nielsen, and more than half of them are willing to buy another wearable in 2015.

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Luke Jones

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